The New Call Analytics Section is here

Head of Product Design and UX Research

Every manager knows the feeling of being on the outside, missing out on the details of crucial conversations and decisions. It's a common challenge in the world of sales, lacking the awareness of what truly unfolds during those vital calls. 

The frustration of not having an objective point of view is at the basis of the idea to upgrade our Conversation Intelligence service with the Call Analytics section. 

The Power of Call Analytics

Our Call Analytics section is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of your call data, enabling you to identify trends, areas for improvement, and opportunities for success. Here's what you can expect:

1. Speaking Ratio

One of the key metrics in understanding the dynamics of your call is the Speaking Ratio.
It represents the percentage of time each participant spends speaking during a call.
Best results often fall between 45% and 65%.
This metric can reveal whether a conversation is balanced or if one party dominates the discussion.
Understanding how your sales team engages with customers is crucial: that’s why we offer an aggregated chart that enable a quick comparison.

2. Silence Time

Silence can be telling. Our analytics display the total amount of silence during a call, giving you the chance to dive into the why to get if engagement is waning or if thoughtful pauses occur.

3. Main Speaker and Less Talkative Attendee

Identifying the main speaker and the less talkative attendee can provide insights into the dynamics of your conversations. Are your team members actively engaging, or is there room for others to participate more?

For a deeper dive into individual contributions, our attendee cards offer detailed information on each participant, including:

  • Speaking Ratio: The percentage of time each attendee spent talking.
  • Minutes Talked: The total duration of their speech.
  • Velocity (WPM): Their speaking speed, measured in words per minute.
  • Longest Monologue Duration: The longest continuous speech by each attendee.

How to get the most out of These Metrics

Consider the following standards:

  • Speaking Ratio: Aim for a balanced conversation with a speaking ratio between 45% and 65%. This range often indicates productive and engaging discussions.
  • Velocity (WPM): While presentations typically have a speaking velocity between 100-150 wpm for a comfortable pace, the conversational average usually falls between 120-150 wpm.


Whether you're looking to ensure balanced discussions, improve engagement, or refine your team's communication style, these KPIs offer a window into the dynamics of your calls.

Head of Product Design and UX Research