How to use Superlayer in Zoom

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A step-by-step guide to add the Superlayer app to ZOOM 

Click on the image to see the process

You can start to add the Superlayer app to ZOOM from Superlayer [image 1] or from ZOOM Marketplace [Image 2].

Click add

Click add on the blue button, placed on the right side of the screen
[image 3].


Follow the guided setup
[Image 4].

All done!

You are done with the installation!
[Image 5]

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No more needs?

Easy-peasy: you can always remove Superlayer from your ZOOM account and disconnect Superlayer from ZOOM (hopefully there won't be the case).

  1. go to your ZOOM profile 
  2. click on the MANAGE button next to your profile photo
  3. Select from Added Apps from the PERSONAL APP MANAGEMENT section in the left side menù
  4. Look for Superlayer in the list and click the REMOVE.
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